Jagatsinghapur city is one of the proud cultural ambassador Odisha state. Besides, it is one of the most literate cities of Odisha state. While these attributes are sufficient enough to make any city and its citizens feel proud, but Jagatsinghapur’s special attributes don’t end here. This city has many more things to offer. Be it Pradeep Port, which is Odisha state’s largest port, or be it its beautiful temples or be it the fact that it has produced many eminent personalities in the field of literature and science. Today Jagatsinghpur city is one of the fastest emerging cities of Odisha state. Its sustained economic growth of last few decades has done world of good to critical social areas like healthcare services, transportation services and banking services. In other words, today quality of all the critical public utility services available in Jagatsinghapur far better than what it was few decades back. Come lets explore more about this city with Jagatsinghapuronline City Guide !